Senin, 27 September 2010

really ..

I do not want you to go from my side ..

and really .. 
I do not want to lose your .. 
I try to always make you happy,, 
but I do not know what else? 
I realize happiness even when you are with her,, 
happiness you see her smile,, 
and your grief is seen crying and losing herself,,, 
Your moodiness even when her's mad at you ..


should I look sad? 

while it is the thing that makes you happy ...


what should I go from you? 
while I do not want you to go away from me .. 
: '(

I was only able to continue to pray .. 
call your name in my prayer .. 
because I believe in the power of prayer ..

when one day away from the reality of my expectations .. 
I do not know ..

"y Rabb. 
bless me with him_ _ 
it was easy street with him_ _ 
if indeed he is to me, because my only God who knows best for me and him .. "(My prayer)

I do loe you my dear.. 


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